Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas folks!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Green. Red. Blue. They are the primary colours. Maybe they are human's primary colours too, ain't it amusing yet quite a coincidence for us to be using these three colours to describe our mood all the time......

Monday, December 08, 2008

A while ago, if ya still remember, I complained of my bad luck... saying that the ATM don't accept my atm card.... (yeah, I know its strange) I had already been using it frequently. The machine literally don't allow my card to be inserted into the slot... (no, I m not imagining things, and no, I inserted it the right way, I tried the wrong way too just to make sure that I had the right way, and no, the atm machine wasn't spoilt, cos I tried inserting my card into a lot of different ATM, and they still don't take it, as if my card had suddenly became bloated by itself)

Just tonight, I have a new card this time, and now, they ate my card and don't return it to me, neither do they let me make any transaction. (I tried it before, this new card was working properly) Grrr............ What's wrong with me?

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Am I not also someone who have feelings as well? Sometimes, it can be hurtful to my ears, even though I may not look hurt.